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Customer and Stakeholder Engagement
Customers are at the centre of our business. We develop plans and improve our services by listening, understanding and responding to customer needs and expectations.
We do this with a clear focus on delivering in the long term interests of our customers. We believe stakeholder engagement is important for us to understand issues of importance to our customers and inform our business plans for the future. Our customer and stakeholder engagement activities inform our future plans, and the gas services we provide on a daily basis.

Gas Matters – Our Online Engagement Platform

We run a range of customer and stakeholder engagement activities to inform and shape the future of our business.
Visit Gas Matters our online forum to keep up to date on our current projects. You can participate in the conversation and help shape our future plans and services.
Stakeholder and Customer Engagement Programs currently active:
• Victoria, Engaging Victorians on the Future of our Gas Networks - July 2023 to June 2028
Recent Stakeholder and Customer Engagement Programs:
• South Australia, Developing Our Future Plans for - July 2021 to June 2026
Get in Touch
Visit Gas Matters for the latest engagement activities across our business, or send us an email to communityengagement@agig.com.au for more information.